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About us

Powering decisions that shape the world

From November 2023, Kantar Public has rebranded to Verian.  To find out more about our next chapter, watch our video.

Our thinking

The Reykjavik Index for Leadership

Established in 2018 as the first global measure of perceptions of women and men's suitability for positions of leadership across the G7 and more than 40 other countries, covering all continents.

Executive Education at Verian​

Elevate your skills and empower your potential to develop solutions to impact the world today.

Decoding X conference

This year's Decoding X conference dives deep into the science of trust and explores how to build public and business confidence in order to navigate complexity.

Welcome to Verian Singapore

Welcome to Verian in Singapore. While our name has changed, our ethos and belief remains the same. We are committed to providing you with robust evidence, allowing you to make policy decisions that are evidence-based and public focused.

Guided by our robust methodologies and data technology, together with our focus on data, research and behaviour, we provide you with evidence to help public sector organisations address some of the most pressing public policy challenges – from health to workforce, transport, environment, community and many more.

Get in touch with us to explore how we can power decisions to shape our world.


Country Leader


Sandra Lim

Managing Director

Our services

We work end-to-end across the public policy development cycle

We combine expertise in human understanding with advanced technologies and data science, connecting governments with citizens across the world. We work with our clients to create policy interventions, design better public services, and unlock behaviour change. ​​

We support the rapid development of policy thinking in moments of urgency. We implement policies on the ground for multi-laterals. We build communications to reach diverse and complex audiences. 

We provide the evidence base for policy design and decision making in governments and multilateral organisations around the world.

We help you enhance the design and development of public policies, programmes and interventions at every stage of the lifecycle to deliver public value.

Our experts have deep expertise and experience in understanding citizens’ behaviour and deconstructing the complex range of levers that can drive change.

Case study

Charting a Sustainable Future




Case study

Define community norms to address neighbourhood noise




Case study

Driving behaviour change for a cleaner Singapore​


Behavioural and Communications


Case study

Development of Logic Model for Performing Arts Tour Pilot Grant


Policy Development and Evaluation


Recent articles

What is this Index about?

The Public and Non-Profit Sector Reputation Index is a globally validated model of reputation that has been adapted for the public sector. The model explores the reputation of public agencies from a micro, bottom-up lens, by looking at the components that drive reputation from the public’s perspective. This is the second year of the Index for Singapore, and this year, we have expanded the study to include both governmental and non-profit organisations. 

What is this Index about? The Public and Non-Profit Sector Reputation Index is a globally validated model of reputation that has been adapted for the public sector. The model explores the reputation of public agencies from a micro, bottom-up lens,
July 24, 2024

24 Jul 2024

Following our Decoding X conference, where Rob McPhedran discussed the topic of misinformation, he continues to explore the threat of misinformation and what we can do to combat this in Singapore.

Following our Decoding X conference, where Rob McPhedran discussed the topic of misinformation, he continues to explore the threat of misinformation and what we can do to combat this in Singapore.
August 12, 2024

12 Aug 2024

In an era of rapid change and complex challenges, trust is the cornerstone of successful innovation and transformation initiatives. Whether steering corporate sustainability or decentralising healthcare innovation, gaining trust and buy-in from stakeholders is crucial yet often elusive.

In an era of rapid change and complex challenges, trust is the cornerstone of successful innovation and transformation initiatives. Whether steering corporate sustainability or decentralising healthcare innovation, gaining trust and buy-in from
August 21, 2024

21 Aug 2024

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