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State elections in Germany in Thuringia and Saxony: a short analysis of the striking results
How do EU citizens perceive the independence of their judicial systems?
Published in May 2024, the Special Eurobarometer 550 reveals the attitude of EU citizens towards the environment. We explore how EU citizens feel about their country’s transition into a greener economy and the amount of public funding allocated
Published in July 2024, the latest Special Eurobarometer conducted by Verian presents EU citizens’ opinions regarding the rule of law, its respect on a national level and the EU’s support to protect it.
In an era of rapid change and complex challenges, trust is the cornerstone of successful innovation and transformation initiatives. Whether steering corporate sustainability or decentralising healthcare innovation, gaining trust and buy-in from
At Verian, we work end-to-end across the policy cycle, bringing evidence, insights, research and advice to public policy challenges. In response to the UK government’s new mission-based approach
Ensuring Value for Money (VfM) in government programmes and public spending is a key priority for the new UK government, reflected in the establishment of the new
Following our Decoding X conference, where Rob McPhedran discussed the topic of misinformation, he continues to explore the threat of
Eurobarometer reveals which values best represent the EU according to its citizens
The final Verian poll (conducted 28th June - 1st July) correctly forecast the outcome of the election and has been independently
When asked what areas the EU should take measures in in the medium term (i.e. in the next five years), over one third of the EU citizens chose ‘security and defence’ (34%), followed by ‘climate and environment’ (30%) and ‘health’ (26%).
What is this Index about? The Public and Non-Profit Sector Reputation Index is a globally validated model of reputation that has been adapted for the public sector. The model explores the
On 6-9th of June, European citizens gathered and headed to the polls to vote for their new representatives at the European Parliament.
On 6-9 June, European citizens voted to elect their new representatives at the European Parliament. Verian experts followed this democratic event closely by capturing people’s opinions and behaviours in the run up to these elections in the latest
Historically, the automotive sector has been a leading industry in Europe and has contributed significantly to economic growth and prosperity. However, to push forward its green transition, the EU now mandates that from 2035 all cars sold in the
On 6-9 June, European citizens will vote for European Parliament. The opinions and behaviours of Europeans in the run up to these elections have been captured by Verian experts in the latest European Parliament’s Spring
Verian experts present the results of the latest European Parliament’s Spring Eurobarometer to better understand the population’s behaviour and opinions in the run-up to the 2024 European elections.
Evidence-based decision making. Evidence-based policymaking. Evidence-informed decisions.
Two years ago, the 2022 Special Eurobarometer on agriculture and the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) revealed that a majority of respondents in 25 out of the 27 EU member states thought that the CAP
This year has been billed as the election year. A record 4 billion people will head to the polls in over 60 countries in 2024. Bangladesh and Taiwan got things up and running last week, with elections for
Why do people get married when around a third of marriages end in divorce?
Natural experiments can be a cost-effective way to evaluate long-term program outcomes. In Australia, and elsewhere, program evaluation budgets are typically small and dedicated to measuring 1-2-year
The pace of decision-making across the public sector has increased significantly since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Accordingly, rapid reviews have become a popular alternative to full scale,
How do you “teach a man to fish” when it comes to evaluation? There’s a lot of scepticism about whether frontline service personnel can take responsibility for evaluation given the technical capabilities
Curiously, many behavioural scientists say the biggest contribution behavioural science has made to government is more and better evaluations. Yet few evaluators would say the reverse – that behavioural
Many fellow evaluators tell me that when they go to a dinner party, they struggle to explain what they do. At times like this we may feel that our role is complicated to explain in comparison to traditional
Many program managers will be familiar with the nervous feeling that comes from having to implement a program under conditions of uncertainty. So how do you maximize opportunities to learn incrementally,
As evaluators, an ongoing challenge is balancing the provision of clear-cut findings to inform decision-making whilst exercising caution when making causal claims (X caused Y). Many outcome evaluations
Difference-in-differences (DID) is one of the leading quasi experimental methods used in policy and program evaluations. In DID, the effect of an intervention is estimated using observational data from one
The latest Destitution in the UK Study, conducted by Verian in partnership with Heriot-Watt University, and supported by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, shows that there has been a large increase in the
A decade ago, the United Nations declared that a data revolution was underway, enabling governments to make evidence-based policy decisions (UN 2013). More recently, the World Bank echoed this sentiment,
This barometer, produced for Medef by Verian (formerly Kantar Public), which surveys employees of private companies, is made up of two parts:
The October Political Index from Verian (formerly Kantar Public) on behalf of Berlingske has been published.
The Eurobarometer, a six-monthly opinion survey by Verian (formerly Kantar Public) that is carried out on behalf of the European Parliament, shows that immigration, housing and
Many smokers are aware of the risks they run and many want to quit. What if we can give them a push? Not by motivating them more (there is often enough motivation) or by providing
In 2020, New Zealand’s Ministry of Education used the research findings to introduce a pornography section in the relationships and sexuality education guidelines for schools, and to develop an online
What is this Index about? The Public Sector is a globally validated model of reputation that has been adapted for the public sector. The model explores reputation for public agencies from a micro,

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